This MINIMALIST PREGNANCY JOURNAL is all black and white and simple in design, making it both modern and timeless. It works for ALL TYPES OF FAMILIES. No references are made to “mom” or “dad,” so it works for 2 mommies, 2 daddies, etc. DETAILS: Size: 8″ x 8″ The front cover page is layered with a heavy frosted poly cover (see-through) for added protection Fits 4×6″, 3×3″ and 4×4″ photos A mementos envelope is included for additional keepsakes The sturdy o-wire binding keeps your pages tightly bound and allows for lay-flat pages, which comes in handy when journaling and pasting in photos! Includes heavy, uncovered black recycled chipboard backing for stability and protection. INCLUDED PAGES (36 pages total) We’re Pregnant! Ultrasound Photos Pregnancy Milestones (examples: positive pregnancy test, first doctor appointment, first time in maternity clothes, first kick felt, etc) Photo Page: The Test, The Bump Photo Pages: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Trimester, Hello Baby 1st, 2nd, 3rd Trimester journaling and info pages Weekly Journaling Space (weeks 6-42) Today We Found Out The Gender / Names We Like Today is My Baby Shower / Guest List / Photos Letters to Baby Nursery Details & Photos Baby Moon / Last Date Before Baby Comes Final Preparations (hospital info, packing list, etc) Your Birthday Details! (Birth story, birth stats)
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